Words Spoken, Best Left Unspoken

A glass of wine.
A memory as old as a time
Some people, known unknown
Some whispers long gone
Some dreams rotten
Some acts best forgotten
Some people loved
Some ideas crushed
Some repented trust
Some immortal lust
Some deeds immoral
Some acts in scripted in the mind forever
Some repents due
Some serpents to count a few
Some energy left
Some lifelong synergy taken in a heft
Some unspoken words, lost in the dew
Some Trust, received out of blue
Some respect never received
Some dollops of kindness never perceived
Some enemies we never had
Some friends we better had
Life is an endless journey, they say
There are still few dragons of desires which I needs to slay
But then, let the moments talk among themselves

And finally, hope for life to be a collage of few good moments in itself


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